Bose Frames Sound as Good as they Look

Wireless earbuds are great for being tangle-free and engaged in your music, but the earbuds or headphones often do a lot to block out the outside world.  That can be good at times but at other times you simply want some music to play along as you do life outside, kinda like a soundtrack to…

The Sony MDR-XB50BS

As I’ve said before, my name is Robert and I have a headphone addiction problem. Well my latest are the Sony MDR-XB50BS. Recently I switched over to the HTC U Ultra as my main device and it does not have a headphone jack, just like the iPhone 7. For many that is a deal breaker, not long…

Day Trip Ideas for Los Angeles with Kids

With  Christmas break on its way, I’ve been asked more than once…”My kids are off, what fun ideas do you have?” Obviously we all need to get out and explore our cities, get out from in front of the screen. And in this day and age, that is no easy task. So here are a…

6 Coffee Gift Ideas for Under $50

Making coffee at home can be fun and affordable. It’s much cheaper than visiting the local coffee shop on a daily basis. But it does take some investment to get it started. It doesn’t have to break the bank, and much of what is needed can be purchased for under fifty dollars. So I thought…

Fishing Teaches Kids Perserverance

As my family gets set to head out on another camping trip to the Eastern Sierras, it’s time to take inventory of my fishing gear. My kids love to shop for new bait as we recall what worked last year and what we’ve been reading is working well this year. This year we decided to…

Rick’s Sports Center: A Mammoth Treasure

My family just got back from another great camping trip in the Eastern Sierras. We love camping because it’s an escape from our constantly moving world. There’s only two ways to tell time for us, light and dark. As long as there is light we can fish, hike, and explore. As darkness fell it is…