Specialty Coffee: A year of discovery

Recently I celebrated a birthday and in doing so I also celebrated my first year of manual brewing specialty coffee from home. It was an awesome learning experience. I feel like I’ve learned so much, yet a recent conversation with my friend Bobby (owner of Recreational Coffee) helped me see that I still have so…

How to: Inverted Method Using the Aeropress

The Aeropress is one of the highest rated coffee makers in the Amazon Marketplace. Almost everyone I have discussed it with has raved about the cup of coffee the Aeropress makes. What’s even crazier is that they all said throw away the instructions that come with the Aeropress…yes, throw them away. The inverted method instructions…

You Need To Try These Roasters

You have to remember, I’m just beginning my journey into third wave coffee. So bear with me as I share my discoveries. I only began drinking specialty coffee on a regular basis since the beginning of the year. I’m not a aficianado, but my knowledge is growing by the day. I have credited a few…

What Is Third Wave Coffee?

Specialty coffee is the new great thing happening in the coffee world.  By new I mean the last 10 years or so. This movement within the coffee world is often referred to as third wave coffee and it tends to be much lighter in roast with more fruit forward,  slightly acidic taste.  Third wave coffee…

Crafting a Cup of Coffee

Saturday was a milestone day.  I made my 100th v60 pourover and I learned a lot along the way.  I was first introduced to specialty coffee some time last year thanks to my friend,  Steffen Sommers of Lift Coffee Roasters in Riverside.  Lift and specialty coffee roasters like them offer coffee that is roasted in…